Why is this important?

The axiom that people are our most important asset is often said but not so often meant.  Inadequately trained and unmotivated people represent a serious threat to organisations trying to achieve their goals.  Training and development is critical for organisational success but also for individual development, morale, organisational innovation, knowledge leverage, staff commitment etc.

How we can help

We have developed a host of solutions to these issues.  Our training and development capabilities encompass the areas of:

  • Training needs analysis
  • Facilitated workshops
  • Team building workshops
  • Staff development programmes
  • Communication training, and  
  • Negotiation techniques                 

Aphelian Consulting can deliver one of our off-the-shelf training packages or work in collaboration with you to develop bespoke material which we can deliver, you can deliver or that can be promulgated by a variety of electronic media.

We can carry out Belbin team-typing and undertake learning style questionnaires when appropriate.

We also offer support for motivational events and public speaking engagements.